- Guang Xu' s publication 光绪刊
- He was a servant in the imperial palace during the reign of Emperor Guang Xu. 光绪年间,他在皇宫中当过差。
- SJCPL's Public Library WWW Servers. 各国公共图书馆名录。
- Renshou Benevolence and Longevity Hall It was originally named Qinzheng Be Diligent in Administration Hall. The present name came into being during the reign of Emperor Guang Xu. 仁寿殿是宫廷区的主要建筑之一,原名勤政殿,光绪年间改为今名,意为施仁政者长寿。
- The edition of Kang Xi was based on Wan Li in Ming Dynasty, and the edition of Guang Xu was based on Kang Xi, which formed an important system widespreading. 康熙翻刻明万历本,光绪本又翻刻康熙本,流传甚广,形成版本流传系统的重要一支。
- The plain old 祖居 Anking academician government office, once had"four generation of academicians" the inscribed horizontal tablet, thefable was the Guang Xu imperial brush. 朴老的祖居安庆翰林府,曾有“四代翰林”的匾额,传说是光绪御笔。
- The Department after the Yongzheng and Qianlong, Jiaqing, Daoguang Xianfeng, Shao-wen, Guang Xu, Xuantong 8 emperor, namely, 187-year history, until the only abolished in the Qing emperor to abdicate. 该署历经雍正、乾隆、嘉庆、道光、咸丰、同治、光绪、宣统8个皇帝,计有187年历史,直到清帝逊位才废止。
- The Qing dynasty under Tong Zhi and Guang Xu is one of the weakest imperium historically.However, the country finally took a break from many internal turmoils like "Heavenly Kingdom of Great Peace". 同治和光绪皇帝所统治的清皇朝,是中国历史上最为软弱、无能的政府之一,但有历史学家却称这一时期为“同光中兴”,这里的“中兴”所指的是国家从太平天国战争的废墟中的恢复和振兴。
- The sixth part introspects to our country"s public prosecution stage procedural diversion system present condition. 第六部分是对我国公诉阶段程序分流制度现状的反思。
- Among a range of issues, it looks at ITV's public service broadcasting obligations, which the network wants to relax. 在一系列问题中,它对准了英国独立电视台(ITV)的公共广播义务,而该广播网希望能将放开这一规定。
- The NYT cites analysts who estimate that China owns $1 of every $10 of America’s public debt. 纽约时报援引分析人士估计,中国拥有美国公共债券的1/10。
- Only the CA's public key can decrypt the signature, verifying that the CA has authenticated the network entity that owns the Certificate. 只有证书机构(CA)的公共密钥才能解密此签名,以证实持有此证书的网络实体已经通过了CA的鉴定。
- But the F.D.A.’s public health adisory yesterday could now mean that physicians are likely to be more restrained in their use of the drugs. 这类注射应用的药物被广泛进行广告宣传,而有证据表明其被过度应用,部分是由于透析中心与肿瘤医生通过使用这些药物可获得利润。
- In this regard it should be noted that the guidance provided in WSPA's publication 'Planning and Running an Animal Shelter' relates to short-stay kennels only. 需要注意的是WSPA出版物中提供的关于庇护所的指导“计划和经营一个动物庇护所”只是针对短期停留的庇护所类型的。
- North Carolina’s Public Interest Research Group released a 2008 Trouble in Toyland report this week at a children’s hospital emergency department. 这个星期北卡罗来纳州的公共利益研究组在一个儿童医院的急诊部门里发布了一个报道,是关于2008年玩具事故的。
- A close ICBC's public figure told the reporters, this mechanism movement is good, the condominium fund will repay next year finishes. 接近工行的一位人士告诉记者,这一机制运行良好,明年共管基金就会偿还完毕。
- At last, author designs a secure electronic mail system which using Combined Public Key(CPK) arithmetic to generate user"s public key and private key. 最后设计一个安全电子邮件传输系统,利用组合公钥算法生成用户公/私钥,实现密钥的规模化;
- The Roll of Abbots in Parts of Temples during the Reign of Emperor Guang Xu 光绪年间部分寺庙住持名录
- This system inserts PSTN" s public telephone network through the junction line, and realize the function that a reliable flexible conductor manage. 该系统采用信令检测技术,提高了系统的可靠性、稳定性和实用性,并通过中继线接入PSTN公用电话网,实现灵活可靠的指挥调度的功能。
- In part three, the author makes an empirical analysis on the coursing of China " s public finance of education for the last ten years. 笫三部分对近十多年来中国教育财政进行实证分析。